Wednesday, December 30, 2009



Health Care Reform is NOT Rocket Science, As shown Below;

When you discuss Health Care Reform, You must also Reform The Policies and procedures of the Health Insurance Cartels. Which begins with Setting Guidelines they Must follow if they are going to Participate in programs with the Government. Lets Begin;

A) Scrap the Present Bill & Open Medicare to All Americans, with a 100% Coverage and Prescriptions.

( 1 ) Health Coverage would begin as soon as Medicare's " Open Enrollment Period " In June 2010.

NOTE: To Begin the Program I would use the TARP Program Funds to seed the Medicare Budget. Basically taking a Bad Program by Bush and the Republicans and Turn it Around for the Good of All Americans, After All If Bush and the Republicans can Bailout Banks and Wall Street, This Congress should be able to use the remaining funds to help 40 million Americans get Affordable Health Care Coverage.

( 2 ) Patients Under the Age of 50 would be Responsible for the 20% of their Coverage. And at Age 62 Premiums would be Part B as Usual, Nothing in Medicare would change.

NOTE: Subsidies that would have been given away to the Health Insurance Cartels for Covering the 20% that Medicare doesn't. (which is approx. 60B or higher) Would be put into the Medicare Budget to fund Universal Health Care Coverage.

( 3 ) The Following Regulations would be put in place Immediately by the Health Insurance Companies:

( A ) The Following is "Prohibited" :

1) Refusal to provide Coverage

2) Denial of Prescribed Treatments by the patients physicians

3) Over Rule a Doctor's Order's

4) Cannot Interfer with the decision making process between a patient and their Physicians.

5) Cannot drop patients due to chronic illnesses

6) Cannot REFUSE Coverage for a Pre-exsisting Illness or Chronic Health Problems.

7) Cannot Charge more than 10% of income on Seniors and the disabled
15% between the income brackets

8) Cannot Charge more than 20% of income on those making $100,000.00 yearly
25% between the income brackets

9) Cannot Charge more than 30% of Income on those making $125,000.00 yearly.

35% between the upper income brackets

10) Provide competetion between Insurance Companies

11) Prevent Health and other Corporations from having monopolies Individual states.

12) REPEAL the Maccarran-Fergersen Act( that bought congress 64 years ago, It will be NO MORE. Including Eliminating all Exemptions.


In closing I have Investigated the above described plan, and the ONLY problem is that the Health Insurance Cartels will be ticked off, Because of their MisBehavior, OverCharging,Refusal, Dropping and Interfering with and overruling the patients and physicians treatment plan.

They will also be forced to charge reasonable premiums, It will also reign in their profits, eliminate their exemptions so they will have to work hard, and Do some House cleaning of their own concerning payroll, CEO's packages and Bonuses.

I believe in free trade, but I don't believe that a Company Has the right to Rip off and over charge their patients. I expect to get what I paid for, and that is Uninterupted Coverage and not be threatened with being dropped.

As I said, health Care Is Not Rocket Science, And is totally Understandable when the health cartels and their croonies are not involved and breathing down our necks. As well as when Senators and Representatives would do their jobs instead of wheeling and dealing and blackmailing the American people and programs that would help us.

Monday, December 14, 2009


I apologize that there are no Posts At this time, But Hang on there will be soon, as soon as I get the " Y's " working on my

The purpose of this Blog is to lay out a General Platform if I was to run for Office in the next Election cycle beginning in 2010 and beyond. But What Separates me from ALL OTHER Candidates, and that is, "I REFUSE TO ACCEPT ANY CORPORATE DONATIONS, Our Original leaders didn't have lots of Money, They didn't have big Health Insurance Cartels, or Corporate Business & Industry, They had Themselves, Their Families, and Supporters, and That's All, and they were successful.

Greetings My Fellow Americans,

Well It is finally up and Rolling. Since 2000 When Bush/Chaney was " Appointed " to office, Then in 2002, The build up to Iraq began and then in 2004 when Bush was given another 4 years I knew that it was time for a " Real Change ", And that led me to seriously consider about running for Office., And While I am not a Politician, nor a Lawyer, or even an Excutive, I Am An AMERICAN, an Average Everyday Citizen, who Our ForeFathers described as "We the People" And who should be running for elected Office, After All, Who knows the American thoughts, feelings and wishes better than Another Average American.

When our Fore Fathers wrote the Constitution and started setting up the rules and Guidelines for Electing Representatives and Senators, As well as for President and Vice-President. None of the Congressional Members had Experience(maybe lawyers), They were Average Everyday Citizens and Business Owners. So it makes Perfect Sense for me to consider a run for Congress. I am a Disabled Desert Storm Veteran, who is Proud of my country Once again, The Fact is Every country and Nation Must work together to maintain Peace and prosperity. Other Nations need to start putting up their financial share No Matter how big or small they are. They Must also Reject Tyrants, Dictators, and Terrorist. But more about that later. This is just an Introduction and sharing of Ideas and Solutions.

I am neither Republican nor Democrat, I guess I have been described as being a "Constitutional Independant" I firmly Believe thast the problems we have with our Congressional Members is that they have Ignored & Disrespected the very document, our Constitution, Which they swore/affirmed to Uphold, Defend and Protect, Which is something that they have FAILED To Do.
They have taken Money from not only the Health Insurance Cartels, but from Wall Street, and other Corporate Business & Industry, and thus passed giant Tax Cuts Through Reconcilation when the Republicans ruled both the White House and Congress, They also consistantly Lied, about Intelligence, Iraq, They violated the Genieva Convention on Torture, by adding so called " Enhanced Techniques " And I could go on and on, But We All know the rest of the Story.

Now, Back to My Beliefs and a General Platform. In the Following Posts and pages to Follow, I will begin to layout My Game Plan, With First and Fore most Finish Health Care, and Begin work on the Economy and Job Creations, And Assistance to Small Businesses, Foreign Affairs Dealing with Homeland Security, Gitmo, Wall Street(Eliminating " too big to fail " ) Eliminate/Repeal the " Bush & Republican Tax Cuts" Re-Establish System of "Regulatory and Checks & Balances" To Prevent what Bush and the Republicans did, which caused a near " crash " of Wall Street, as well as Corporate Bailouts(No More). As well as dealing with Campaign Financing Reform, and Preventing Laws and Bills from being passed Unless it is defined in the Constitution. Plus, A lot more

Game Time is over !!.

I will go into more detail in other Titled Posts. Thanks for Listening.