Thursday, January 7, 2010



This Includes a working Game Plan for Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, North Korea, and now Yemen. Their are some ideas that I will not elaborate on, On this blog, but would be willing to discuss it with you through e-mail.

In the Early days of our country when Wagon Trains explored the West and  taking the Brave families to a New world, Usually they were escorted by the U.S. Calvary to Protect them against the Native Americans who did not like us because we killed the Buffalo and We invaded their lands, At Later date the US made treaties with the different tribes that would allow us safe passage, But like Every group there were the Extremist that did not approve of the Treaties and attacked the Wagon Trains and Killed most of the men and took the women and children hostage and sooner or later they came around to understanding the plight and the feelings of the native American Tribes.

In some areas, the gateway to the West,  was guarded by many Forts were Established and protected by the Buffalo Soliders. Here's a little bit of History, The Native Americans looked  up to the black soliders as brave since the majority of troops that went after the extremist were the buffalo soliders, anyway, they were given the nickname because their hair looked like the hair of a Buffalo, which was a very big compliment, especially since Buffalo was held in high esteem in the Native American People.

You are probable wondering why? I am giving a brief history lesson? Well, the Fact is that we can learn alot from the Native Americans(I Am part Native American). By the same token, We can learn from the tactics of the Calvary. When an Attack was approaching, the Wagons would circle, and place the women and children in the center, or if they were near a cavern/cave, they were put there for safe keeping. So Now you are really asking what in the Hell this has to do with Foreign Affairs and preventative Tactics that would provide clear cut ideas providing for  the Capture of the murders of 9/11 and the continued hijacking of the islamic Religion, by these "COWARDLY" EXTREMIST.  I mean come on how Brave does a so called man have to be to Attack Innocent women and children, ooo, tough guys. They are Cowards, and Just like even our own Religious Groups has their "Extremist Side"  Who uses the bible for their own Personal Ideas and Feelings, And they constantly try to submit Laws, Bills, and Amendments that, VIOLATE Our CONSTITUTIONAL LAWS of the
"SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE" And any congressional members that votes to include a Religious based Bill in the Health Care bill, or in any other Bill,  (IE: DOMA, & PROP 8) this is a direct Violation of the constitution, and Our Founding Fathers saw what type of serious trouble that could happen when a country is run by Religious Based Laws it becomes a Theocracy.

Now you are really wondering where I am going? Well, Most Muslim Nations are run by Theocracies. And If we stoop to their level like Bush/Chaney did with using Blackwater as their "Private Army". I  don't need to continue.

My Foreign Affair Game Plan is Based on the early tactics used by the US Calvary as well as the excellent tracking skills of the native americans. I call it, " CIRCLING THE WAGONS ",

Several things need to happen, First Off, We must be Prepared that when we Capture  the killers of 9/11 and our soliders, We need to have a Safe Place to Bring them to, And that Place is " ALCATRAZ " which needs to be reclassified as a High Security Military prision. It is self sufficient with it's own electric company, gas, phone, groceries, and housing, courtroom, Solitary cells, and the Death Chamber. It also can be protected by the Military 360 degrees since it is surrounded by water, and NO ONE has ever Escaped, Between the temperature of the Water, the few Sharks, and the distance between it and the Mainland, that unless they were Olympic swimmers they would NOT make it off the ROCK.
This is a Better suggestion than Illnois in the middle of a populated town, even though they do need the Jobs.
Secondly, GITMO, is a Disgrace on American History, We are not torturers, and the Fact that Bush ok'd any method was against the constitutions and our own laws, as well as Military field manual guide.
Most of the World Respects us because we do have Honor, we do make sure that we have the right person and that they did do exactly what they are accused of. They know that We are an Honorable People, but Every now and again we get leaders that are a little psycho(ie President Chaney),
Anyway that's a different Topic, Back to my Plan of  " CIRCLING THE WAGONS "


Our first Priority is to leave Iraq.
The second part, would be aligining with pakistan army to have them surround the Al-Quida and Bin laden and chase them back across the mountains to the Open arms of our Special Forces. Where we will be waiting to take them into custody, Pick them off one by one, Or just Napalm the Mountain Ridge.  and that's the End of that Story, and We All come home.


Send our troops to friendly country, Have yemeni Army and Security circle the tribal areas where Al-Quida is training, We will have our fleet standing by in the Gulf so that they CANNOT escape by means of Water, Have Our troops from Afghanistan and Iraq would be stationed on the ships waiting for the call from the Yemeni Officials to lend Assistance.

These same tactics can be used in other Countries as well.  It would reduce the American Loss of life, and Cut down on the cost of the War.  It would save lives, and those we capture, would Immediately be sent to "ALCATRAZ " for Military Trial and Death by Firing Squad once found guility.

Now a bigger problem is the  "EGO'S " OF THE INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES, This is where the Problems lie. The easiest Solution is to Divide our Intelligence Agencies and give them Specific Assignments, That would also help us pin point who screwed up and should be fired.  Example, FBI  would handle Threats on American Soil, ONLY Instead of focusing on the Criminal side of the fgederal Laws.  CIA would be in charge of handling the International Threats, ONLY.

We would set up a different FBI Group to handle the Criminal end of US Laws and Trials.
We would set up a different CIA Group to handle the prosecutions of International Incidents.
The point is that what the Bush administration and the Republican Congress tried to do by putting Everyone under the guise of " HOMELAND SECURITY "  Has FAILED, One big Mistake was puttting FEMA under the same Umbrella, because, It Severely Damaged their Response time to Hurricane Katrina, Rita, Ike. If you were to look back at their actions during the Hurricane Andrew disaster, their response was Immediate, Their financial support and funding was Immediate. Bush and the Republicans screwed up.

If we were to enact the above mentioned ideas, We would have all our Military members Home, and turn the  Planning and action to Our Special Forces since they are Better Trained to handle these " COWARDS " that hide in caves and Kills Women and Children. These Terrorist have Hijacked a Beautiful Religion, and it is no different than the Extreme Right Wing Religious Conservatives that constantly try to get " RELIGIOUS BASED BILLS, ACTS AND AMENDMENTS ", passed in Congress, Despite the fact that they are in " VIOLATION of CHURCH AND STATE" As well as the Constitutional Rights of their Fellow Americans as given under our Constitution.

We are a Country of Laws, and Our Laws were dictated to us by the Constitution.  But this is another story for another time.

The FACT remains is that Time has come to Bring our Military home. We didn't have help as we fought Our civil War, and Countries like Iraq, and Iran must fight on their own, And as Free People, We need to support the Freedom Fighters in these Countries.

A Little bit about me, I am a 47 yr. old. Disabled Desert Storm Veteran, I proudly Served under Bush Sr., He knew How to lay out a Mission, Stick to it, Accomplish our Mission, and then leave.

It's too bad that Bush  Jr. didn't learn anything from his Father. Here is another piece of Information that most people DO NOT KNOW,
Chaney, Rove, and Rumsfeld were ticked off at Bush Sr. for NOT Following Saddam back to Bagdad to take him out, so they Swore that someway, somehow, someday, they will Finish what Bush Sr. would NOT, and they Found a Perfect Sucker in Bush Jr.  Here's Another little Fact, many people don't know, Bush Sr. Army Generals warned him that if we were to follow saddam, That is what he wanted, then that way we would be trapped, Much like we are Now with thousands of Innocent military lives Lost, Needlessly, and it did not have to happen. Chaney, Bush, Rove, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, should be brought up on charges for, Not Only Starting a War based on LIES, But for Abandoning our troops, NATO, Our Allies and the Afghan people, to Start this Illegal War. But that too is a Different Story.