My Fellow Americans,
We are 5 years away from the 2016 elections and lot of things can and will change, However, if we are still on our present course with the same and/or deterioting Domestic and International Situations, I will do the following, through the use of Executive Orders and Executive Statements, If I am left with no other choice, and the opinions of the war mongers in congress will not matter, I work for you, and you would have sent me here to do what you wanted to be done over the last 10 years beginning with the 2000 elections.
Enough of the Democrats, Republicans, and the Tea Party. During my writings you will see me refer to the word "ReTaliban" so let me make it perfectly clear, Republicans + Tea Party = "ReTaliban" if you took a moment and thought about it you will understand how the Republicans and the Tea Party have demonstrated a Taliban like governance as Evidenced by their actions of taking away health care, our rights, ignoring the Constitution(except for the parts they like), They have declared war on every Social Program that has and does provide assisstance to Seniors, women, children, veterans, disabled, who depend on those programs to help them, and without those programs a lot of people will be hurt, lose their homes, can't get medicines, and have to chose between paying their bills and buying groceries, But they didn't stop there, The want to dumb americans down and keep us from competing in the world stage by cutting Education nd Infrastructure, grants and schlorships for poor and disadvantaged children, teens, and some adults, They even want to cut On-the-job Training programs. And perhaps the most disgrceful plan of all is their plan to give the top 5% 1Trillion more in tax cuts, Surely, We cannot let this happrn, and we need to protect Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, and despite what the ReTaliban tell you Medicare is not free neither is medicaid, I pay $195.00 a month for Medicare, it is deducted from my SSI benefits, Secondly medicaid is on a sliding pay scale as is the Veterans Hospitals and clinics based on how much you are recieving in benefits. So again the Retaliban are telling the same lies they have been telling for the last 40 years.
The Retaliban have constantly lied to the american people saying that We have a "Spending Problem" when in truth We have a "REVENUE" Problem. It i simple economics 101, When a contry is run by the intake of taxes and that money is what runs the government s well as most programs, the more you cut revenue the higher the deficit the country runs, Let me give you the Perfect Exmple, and We need to Remember this and bring it up every time the Republicans start to tell the same tired lies, When Clinton was president (a democrat), He along with a Bi-Partisan congress managed to balance the Budget, maintained a surplus as well as a projected surplus of 6.5 Trillion over 10 years.
Now lets look at the last 8 years of GWBush, He gve away the 780B surplus to the corporate sector in tax cuts, and added many more loopholes so they could keep more money, while they continued to send American jobs overseas, refusing to hire and pay american workers so it would not interfer with their profits, I mean why pay an educated and experienced employee $10 and upwards an hours (salary), as well as provide benefits, safe work environment and an excellent product, when they can move overseas and get cheap supplies and labor, the known results is a less than stellar product liabled to be recalled? And of the Clinton's Projected 6.5 Trillion surplus over the next 10 years? It was used by the Republican Administration to give more tax cuts to their corporate friends and others.
I have had it with the Democrats, Republicans, and Tea Party, they have wrecked our country Enough, and Frankly " ENOUGH IS ENOUGH " .I PROMISE, To use my Presidentil Powers to make our country better for all of us. As I said earlier, I know that you are tired of hearing what they will do, and they never followed through on the Important items. So let us begin.
My first item is that I will Acknowledge the International Criminal Courts Because we are a part of the world body, and should be held accountable for anmy illegal activities, ( Example : The Republican Administration of President GW Bush and Vice-President Chaney)
My first 2 executive orders will greatly depend upon what the situatiuon is in Iraq, Afghanistan, & Pakistan and will be based on the law both ours, and International Laws. So for the purpose of this article I am basing it on nothing has changed, and we are still in the same position as we are in now.
Executive order # 1: Iraq & Afghanistan
I will issue an order that all troops MUST be out within 180 days from the date of the order. I will also Inform Afghanistan that all money will be stopped due to their failure to hold up their part of the agreement to bring in and/or capture Al-Quida leaders.Furthermore if they allow the Taliban to participate in government without them making any changes in how they act towards women and children, and then they allow al-quida a safe haven again we will be back and this time the gloves will be off, and there will be no dragging ass, A Fast, powerful hit and withdrawal, Just like we did in Kuwait. But I sincerely hope it will not come to that, Becuse it is past time to put our Country first and rebuild our country,keeping jobs in America, and manufacturing.
Executive Statement # 1 : To Pakistan Government
Included with this Executive order will be a Statement to Pakistan informing them that all money will be stopped due to abuse and misuse of funds by giving it to the taliban and allowing al-quida to use their country as a safe haven to continue their planning and destructive ways. Also for pakistan's refusal to fullfill their agreement to capture or kick out Al Quida. Secondly, It is sad that Pakistan has decided to side with al-quida's protectors, the Taliban.
Executive Statement # 1, Section 2: Taliban & Al-Quida:
Furthermore, I will issue a statement to al-quida calling them as I see them, as the cowards they are for hiding behind the burka's and innocent children, s well as their caves. They are not brave, they are cowrds and their own people are realizing that they are nothing, their importnce is null and void, basically their time is up, And I would advise the Taliban to turn over all Al-Quida's leaders, including Bin Laden and to cut their losses.
Executive Order # 2 : Gitmo closure
I will have ordered that Gitmo be closed and returned to it Military duty post withing 90 days of the issuance of this order., And that all prisoners left will be transferred to Alcatraz Federal Prison for their Military Tribunials and the central location where they will serve their time, or their death depending on the verdict handed down. Alcatraz will also house all prisoners accused of treason against the United States.
Executive Statement # 2 Refitting of Alcatraz
I have ordered the Defense and Justice Department to refurbish and reassign Alcatraz to be a Federally and military run Facility. It is a self contained Island with it's own Power plant, gas stations, groceries, medical center, as well as a Gated Neighborhood, not to mention it is in the middle of the bay with no escape.
Secondly : I authorize the DOJ and DOD to establish a courtroom and jury room so that all prisoners can obtain their trial, since they have been held for 12 or more years without a trial, This will stop and they will be tried.
Executive Statement # 3 : To Congress
I will inform both the house and the Senate that from this point on they will follow the constitutional lay out of congress, which states the length and duration of a congressional session, Days off, voting, etc.
As for the Senate, From this point on there will be No More calling in Filabusters. Whom ever calls for a filabuster must be prepared to stand the floor 24/7, including using cots, and ordering in food, bathroom breaks will be allowed providing another member of the party takes over and maintains the floor, by reading the dictionary if necessary, or the constitution, But the floor must be held at all times and can be yeilded for questions and answers, Also all members of the party MUST be present at all times
Secondly ; I will suggest that all congressional members check their egos and party affiliations at the door before entering the Peoples house to do business, and to focus on what is best for the American people and our Country
Executive Statement # 4 : Investigations
I will Instruct the Department of Justice to open a full and in depth Investigation into the abuse of power, Violations of both US laws and International Laws by the Republican Administration of President George W. Bush and Vice- President Dick Chaney, to include but not limited to Donald Rumsfeld, Karl Rove, Condi Rice, and Ashcroft, and their part they played in the abuse, misuse, and Illegal actions beginning with the 2000 and 2004 Presidential Elections, and to include and Investigation of the Supreme Court and their possible abuse and misuse of their offices and ignoring the voting and recount laws established to provide for a legitimate and legal and honest elections.
Furthermore, I will order the DOJ to look into both Criminal and civil law violations involving Iraq and our unprovoked attack on a soverign nation without just cause. It will also include all documents leading up to Iraq to include all forged intelligence, all statements made in connection with WMD's. It will also cover the untruths and false testimony to the congress, the American people, the UN, our allies, and the world.
I further suggest that they be turned over to the International Criminal Court for prosecution.
In closing, I would sincerely hope that our situation has changed and that we are out of Iraq and Afghanistan but at the rate the Retalibans are moving they want us there for 20 years, and that WILL NOT HAPPEN ON MY WATCH, no matter what the war mongers have to say, It is done, and we will be out of there ASAP.
I want you to remember something, When Clinton was President he also had a divided congress, and they proved that they could work together for the betterment of the country and her people, They managed to Balance the budget all 6 years, they managed to have a $780B surplus and a projected Surplus of 6.5 Trillion over 10 years. However, NEVER forget That a Republican Administration Gave away the surplus, started a war, and an "Illegal" war, and the Prescription drug programs, plus more tax cuts, and they did all this based on the 6.5 Trillion projected surplus thus wiping it out. NEVER Forget that Under the Republican Administration that they sent more jobs overseas, opened more loopholes and benefits to the top 5%, and by 2009 lost over 10 Million jobs, and a deficit of 12 Trillion once all the surpluses, wars, and drug plans, and tax cuts are added together, and lets not forget the buy out of freddie and fannie by the bush administration, and the bailout of wall street. And the difference in President Bush and President Obama, is this, Bush gave the funds away with no expectations to pay it back, where as President Obama forced the automotive Industry to pay it back in full with intrest and they have.
But I will address this in further detail in Part 3
Thank You for reading and God Bless our Troops, Our Citizens and the United States of America
Monday, April 18, 2011
Saturday, April 2, 2011
The March To Washington : Campaign 2016 :Part 1 of 6
My Fellow Americans,
Our Founding Fathers never intended for the United States to have career politicians tht serve more than 2 terms in any office, much less in office for 20 years. Their intention was for the average american to run for office and if they win serve their terms and then return back to their home and jobs.
It is because of the Constitution that I am contemplating a run for President in 2016, and I would like to take this opportunity to tell you about my platform, and where I see this great country heading. While my experience is not in law, nor have I served in congress, my experience as That American our founding fathers wrote about is all the basis I need. When I joined the Navy I raised my right hand and swore to protect and defend not just the constitution, but our country and her people from both foreign and domestic enemies, and even though I am disabled Desert Storm Veteran I still hold that oath as a civilian close to my heart.
I never thought I would see the day when I would have to mobilize against a Domestic Enemy, but it is happening and it is getting worse. It seems that the Republicans Tea Party wants to not only rewrite our constitution, but they have Declared War on the middle Class, Poor, Unions, Government Departments(that protect our air, skies, water, earth along with Education and Infrastructure), And Social Programs that help millions of your fellow citizens as well as probably yourselves. We Cannot let this happen, and It must be stopped and only you can do that, and we can do it together.
For 12 years I have watched as the Republicans, Tea Party, and Democrats do nothing but mostly watched the Republicans destroy our country and way of life by shunning the american people and supporting and protecting their corporate campaign piggie banks. I have watched as the top 2-5% of our citizens have gotten richer and everyone else has gotten poorer, while they get tax cuts and tax cuts and benefits as they continue to send American manufacturing and jobs overses, While they refuse to pay livable wages, provide health and other insurances, as they refuse equal pay for men and women, and as they rebuild other countries and give their own country the middle finger. And Why do they do this? First off they do not like to pay a decent wage because that along with other benefits cuts into their profits, Secondly, They do not want to pay for experienced and educated employees nor do they want to pay for better supplies for their products, Instead, They want to protect their Profits so they send everything overseas where they do not have to follow any laws on pay, benefits, safety, and they can get cheap supplies. Where they do not have to follow Regulations to provide safe work and products, it is clear because they are always complaining. Third, They avoid paying taxes, they avoid paying their fair share, The sad Fact is that they do not Care about this country, their fellow americans nor their families, they want their cake and eat it to, Well, that is gonna stop here and now, and i will go into further details in the Tax Part of this Statement.
I have also watched as the Republicans and Democrats, but mostly Republicans have consistantly lied, have used fear tactics to scare voters, so they will vote them back into office where they can continue doing nothing, where they can continue to cause heartache on the backs of the middle class, And What I have said was proven in the November 2010 elections, When the Republican Tea Party promised to work on jobs, jobs, jobs, economy and deficit, They were so determined that that was their campaign promise they even refused to discuss, much less debate any type of Social Issues or Programs, But as I knew they would, Their Hypocracies would show itself and their true plan for the country would be revealed, and it was, As proven by the riders added into the budget, Instead of adding a jobs bill, or other economy growing bills, or increases in revenue, They Declared War on the Middle Class, They are defunding many Social Programs that help millions of your fellow americans as well as yourselves, which is not good in these tough times with all the unemployment and deficits, Not only that, but they have lied outright to you, Jobs and Economy is number 1 they said well, The first thing they did was to try and repeal the healthcare, but they did not provide a replacement they promised to do, Defunding the EPA, NPR, Planned Parenthood, NOAA, Hurricane Warning Programs, Earthquake Warning programs, as well as Tsunami Warning Systems and the United Way? They seem to think this will reduce the deficit. Which by the way the Republicans still REFUSE to acknowledge or accept the fact that are personally RESPONSIBLE for the bulk of our deficit, As Well As the bulk of Unemployed Americans. They have not only showed their immaturity but they have shown that they do not care about this country or its people. They wrap themselves in the flag and the Constitution all the while stabbing the american people in the back and showing what hypocrits they are, and do not think the Democrats are getting off too easy, They are being Cowards for not standing up to the Republicans as well as to the corporations they are also protecting, and are putting profits over the needs of the american people. I will address that further in Part 3 and 4 as well.
The Fact is this, We need a Toughness that neither party has provided. We need Action not bickering and games, In the following statements I will list my ideas and the actions I would take if I was elected. And the First and Most Important Pledge I give to You, Is to NOT take any Corporate Money, To truly run this campaign of the people, by the people and for the people. This will be a true grassroots campaign, Unlike the Tea Party who is supported and funded by the Koch Brothers, Armey Fletcher, and Karl Rove as well as the Republicans and democrats and their Foreign funds made through American companies. I swear my Oath to run a clean and Honest campaign.
So, Let the Battle Begin
Our Founding Fathers never intended for the United States to have career politicians tht serve more than 2 terms in any office, much less in office for 20 years. Their intention was for the average american to run for office and if they win serve their terms and then return back to their home and jobs.
It is because of the Constitution that I am contemplating a run for President in 2016, and I would like to take this opportunity to tell you about my platform, and where I see this great country heading. While my experience is not in law, nor have I served in congress, my experience as That American our founding fathers wrote about is all the basis I need. When I joined the Navy I raised my right hand and swore to protect and defend not just the constitution, but our country and her people from both foreign and domestic enemies, and even though I am disabled Desert Storm Veteran I still hold that oath as a civilian close to my heart.
I never thought I would see the day when I would have to mobilize against a Domestic Enemy, but it is happening and it is getting worse. It seems that the Republicans Tea Party wants to not only rewrite our constitution, but they have Declared War on the middle Class, Poor, Unions, Government Departments(that protect our air, skies, water, earth along with Education and Infrastructure), And Social Programs that help millions of your fellow citizens as well as probably yourselves. We Cannot let this happen, and It must be stopped and only you can do that, and we can do it together.
For 12 years I have watched as the Republicans, Tea Party, and Democrats do nothing but mostly watched the Republicans destroy our country and way of life by shunning the american people and supporting and protecting their corporate campaign piggie banks. I have watched as the top 2-5% of our citizens have gotten richer and everyone else has gotten poorer, while they get tax cuts and tax cuts and benefits as they continue to send American manufacturing and jobs overses, While they refuse to pay livable wages, provide health and other insurances, as they refuse equal pay for men and women, and as they rebuild other countries and give their own country the middle finger. And Why do they do this? First off they do not like to pay a decent wage because that along with other benefits cuts into their profits, Secondly, They do not want to pay for experienced and educated employees nor do they want to pay for better supplies for their products, Instead, They want to protect their Profits so they send everything overseas where they do not have to follow any laws on pay, benefits, safety, and they can get cheap supplies. Where they do not have to follow Regulations to provide safe work and products, it is clear because they are always complaining. Third, They avoid paying taxes, they avoid paying their fair share, The sad Fact is that they do not Care about this country, their fellow americans nor their families, they want their cake and eat it to, Well, that is gonna stop here and now, and i will go into further details in the Tax Part of this Statement.
I have also watched as the Republicans and Democrats, but mostly Republicans have consistantly lied, have used fear tactics to scare voters, so they will vote them back into office where they can continue doing nothing, where they can continue to cause heartache on the backs of the middle class, And What I have said was proven in the November 2010 elections, When the Republican Tea Party promised to work on jobs, jobs, jobs, economy and deficit, They were so determined that that was their campaign promise they even refused to discuss, much less debate any type of Social Issues or Programs, But as I knew they would, Their Hypocracies would show itself and their true plan for the country would be revealed, and it was, As proven by the riders added into the budget, Instead of adding a jobs bill, or other economy growing bills, or increases in revenue, They Declared War on the Middle Class, They are defunding many Social Programs that help millions of your fellow americans as well as yourselves, which is not good in these tough times with all the unemployment and deficits, Not only that, but they have lied outright to you, Jobs and Economy is number 1 they said well, The first thing they did was to try and repeal the healthcare, but they did not provide a replacement they promised to do, Defunding the EPA, NPR, Planned Parenthood, NOAA, Hurricane Warning Programs, Earthquake Warning programs, as well as Tsunami Warning Systems and the United Way? They seem to think this will reduce the deficit. Which by the way the Republicans still REFUSE to acknowledge or accept the fact that are personally RESPONSIBLE for the bulk of our deficit, As Well As the bulk of Unemployed Americans. They have not only showed their immaturity but they have shown that they do not care about this country or its people. They wrap themselves in the flag and the Constitution all the while stabbing the american people in the back and showing what hypocrits they are, and do not think the Democrats are getting off too easy, They are being Cowards for not standing up to the Republicans as well as to the corporations they are also protecting, and are putting profits over the needs of the american people. I will address that further in Part 3 and 4 as well.
The Fact is this, We need a Toughness that neither party has provided. We need Action not bickering and games, In the following statements I will list my ideas and the actions I would take if I was elected. And the First and Most Important Pledge I give to You, Is to NOT take any Corporate Money, To truly run this campaign of the people, by the people and for the people. This will be a true grassroots campaign, Unlike the Tea Party who is supported and funded by the Koch Brothers, Armey Fletcher, and Karl Rove as well as the Republicans and democrats and their Foreign funds made through American companies. I swear my Oath to run a clean and Honest campaign.
So, Let the Battle Begin
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