Sunday, July 17, 2011


My Fellow Americans,

Our problemns are not only Domestic but International as well, and in the following writings i will explain what I will do if I am elected. I want to remind everyone, that when our country began our ForeFathers had no clue as to how to run a country, so with the Constitution to follow I  will not be sucked in by the corpoirate nonsense nor funding, This will be a truly elected by the people, and for the people, You and this country are my priority, not nation building like the others. So Lets begin with several Executive Orders,

Executive Order # 1
I will direct the  joints chiefs to end the Iraq war and to withdraw all troops withing a 180 days. Iraq will have to find a solution on their own much like we did when we started out as a new democracy. It is not our job to rebuild any nation.

Executive Order #2
I will cut all funding to afghanistan by half, and inform Karzi that he has 1 year to get his house in order then all funding will stop except for humanatarian aid. Furthermore, I will warn him about accepting the taliban as part of the new government, and stipulate that they must  pledge to not support al-quida in any way, and that He will not allow Al-Quida to take refuge again in the country or we will be back and we will take them out.
Secondly all troops will be out within 180 days from issuance of this order. It is over and done, they like Iraq will have to sort it out among themselves, we cannot do it for them.

Executive Order #3
I will issue a General Warning to Pakistan to get their house in order, to remove al-quida from their country, and to stop  tipping off people when we need to go after them. I will also advise them to clean house and to do it promptly and that until it is done all funding will be stopped except for humanatarian aid. It is time for them to join the world and fight terrorisam.

While we face problems on both the Foreign and the Domestic Front, My chief concern right Now is with our Domestic Problems which will be dealt with by use of every constitutional remedy that is available. I am tired of the games and the irresponsibility of the parties but especially the republican party which is a disgrace to this country by the games they are playing with the full faith and fair credit status and the risk they have put the country in, the jeopardy that they are placing millions of citizens in who depenbd on SS and VA benefits to pay their house note, car notes, groceries, medicines, etc, and because of their wreckless games will and may lose their homes cars, and  may even cause needless deaths because people will not be able to afford their medicines, and that should and will be placed squarely on the shoulders of the Republicans. They are solely responsible for any reactions that happen due to their obstruction and failuer to increase the debt ceiling.

The final topic I will discuss are the facts concerning the Debt Ceiling. The Republicans are ignoring basic facts. When a President is sworn in, the Debt clock is started and anything they spend is counted as their responsibilitiy. In our present situation the Republicans are trying to place the total debt ceiling on President Obama even though all the spending took place on the previous administration, and to be accurate all spending should have been included when President Bush was in office and when he left, but the Republicans did not add it into their debt, it was added to President obama so we could see the actual  amount of the debt so we know how much we must pay back.

In 2000 President Bush was given a 780Billion surplus and a 6.5 Trillion projected surplus over the next 10 years, However that was not to happen, President Bush and the Republicans gave away the surplus as tax cuts for the top wage earners and corporations, then in 2003 he went further and gave away another tax cuts to the top wage earners and corporations  using up the projected budget surplus, and he was also given a debt of 5.2 Trillion.
Also in 2003 we got involved in an illegal war(Iraq), a prescription plan was not paid for neither, as was the tax cuts. That is the problem. And President Obama made it clear tht all spending by bush has to be counted.

So President Obama's debt clock did not start until jan 2009 and  he hs added 2.5Trillion to the debt . The debt is a list of expenditures that must be paid because the money has been spent already. Which is dangerous and will destroy the country which by all actions and behaviors they have done proves that they are not interested in true spending cuts and debt control, and do not care about the country or the American people and who they hurt.

In closing, I am sick and tired and totally disgusted at the behavior of both parties, but what is the most disgraceful  is the Fact that the Republicans begged for a 2nd chance in 2010, they pledged to work on jobs and economy, no social issues jobs was their priority, Well, we got lied to, what is the first thing they did? They attacked social issues, seniors, disabled, women and children, veterans, and unions including teachers, police, and fire. and explaining that this is what the americn people wanted and sent them for. And now they expect us to give them a 3rd chance in 2012, It makes me wonder how much audacity they have, they have the nerve to outright lie, Failed to put forth one jobs bill or economic bill, but yet they voted NO 4 times on a jobs bill brought to the floor by the democrats and the President, and even more nerve to attack the american people and the social programs that millions depend on and dare ask for us to give them our vote in 2012, It clearly proves that they are totally out of touch with the american people.

As i stated before, It is time to clean house, to make our country stronger to bring back manufacturing, strengthen Education and health care, Prevent future congresses from taking the debt ceiling or any topic hostage. I wnnt to be your President, I am an outsider and will need your help, I am in it for you, I also pledge to not take any corporate money. , and what makes me a great candidate is that i am not beholden to the corporate community my priority is You, My Fellow Americans, So In closing I ask that I be considered in the spirit of our forefathers who were new to governing as well but they put together one of the most important documents of our country, the Constitution, and it should be protected and defended and followed, No one should be allowed to pick and choose which parts they will honor and which they won't, Following the Constitution means all or Nothing.. Furthermore No elected member of the government be they local, state, or Federal should ever sign a pledge to not do something,, The ONLY Pledge that they should take should be their OATH of Office(in referrence to Norquiest and Republican tax pledge)

Let me state for the last time, My first thing I will do is to issue an Executive Order to Immediately Roll Back the Bush Tax cuts for the top 5% and to close the corporate loopholes, and I will make the tax cuts for Small Businesses and the middle class permanent. And I will fight to achieve this, no matter what may happen or what the Republicans threaten me with. It needs to be done and it shall be. The country and her people MUST come first,  and this should have been done a long time ago so it will be done NOW

It is time to REBUILD AMERICA NOW  and I hope that I will get your support, May God Bless America and her People and our Troops and they will be home soon. Thank You   

I can be contacted at 

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