Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Republicans = Taliban? You Decide

My Fellow  Americans,

This is truly a sad day. As I watch the tactics of the Republicans from the Obstruction in congress, 435 filabusters since  President Obama was sworn in,  Ignoring their oath of office and job responsibilities of Raising Revenue to keep the government functioning, only to follow a criminal pledge that violates Federal laws by obstructing and interferring with not only government operations but congressional operations, then the attempt by the republican governors to change the voting laws which if successful, would deprive over 5 million people their Constitutional rights to vote,  I have seen their blatant disreguard for the Constitution, their declaring War on  the American people, the Social Programs that help millions of women, children, seniors, veterans,  including their attack on the very people that built this country, that serve this country that protect our streets, that heal us, the   unions have built this country with their blood, sweat, and tears, and since 2010 we have watched them  attempt to destroy the very fabric of  our country, And this MUST BE STOPPED and ONLY  we can do that in 2012, We MUST send the message We will not be governed as the afghanis were governed by the Talibasn.

Now many people say that i am being hard in comparing the Republi8cans to the Taliban, But  I ask you to  take a minute, and research the Taliban and how they governed, and then ask yourself, IS THIS THE TYPE OF GOVERNMENT WE WANT? I sure don't. I am a Veteran, I am dedicated to this country, I swore to protect it from both Foreign and DOMESTIC enemies, & I fear they are at the door,and the way the Republican Tea Party are acting, behaving, & trying to destroy social safety nets you cannot help but to connect them together hence why I refer to them as the RETALIBAN = Republicans + Tea Party = ReTaliban.

Furthermore they are trying to take away our Constitutional rights, when they came into session the first thing they did was to read the full Constitution,  and only thing I can say is that they MUST have slept through it, because under the constitution as it lists the job responsibilities of the house The house job is to Raise Revenue to keep the government operating, but what have they done? They, 238  house members signed a pledge to NEVER Raise taxes, as did 43 members of the Senate, but what  are they doing Now? They are allowing the taxes to be raised on 160millon americans on january 1st to the tune of 1k, So it makes me realize that their pledge is to the top 5%, and that is ok to raise taxes on the Middle Class and poor who are living paycheck to paycheck trying to make ends meet, going without medicines, groceries, and  many americans will end up losing their homes and cars because they cannot pay their mortgage, and many more will be out on the street because they cannot pay their rent, water, electricity, phone, school tutition, etc. This is what the Republicans are causing to happen by their hatred of the President and as Sen Mcconnell said that their first job is to make the President   a 1 term president and frankly they mean it, They have also shown that they DO NOT CARE about anyone except their jobs, and protecting their rich buddies and corporate contributors, when it is the middle class and poor that needs their protection, Furthermore the top 5% can afford a half % increase in taxes or even a 1% increase.

In closing we must remember that we are Americans. We are Equal, We must fight for our and to keep our rights, to assemble, to speak out, to vote, to make this truly a government  of the people, by the people, and for the people, We need to STAND UP against the Republicans and their corporate buddies that they are protecting, The Fact is the Republicans are hurting the american people, HURTING the very people they want to vote for them,  they have made their bed and now they must lay in it, they chose a pledge, obstruction as well as ignored their oath of office. and they will find out in 2012 that WE THE PEOPLE DO NOT WANT THEIR TACTICS NOR GOVERNANCE We must take back the house,  whatever senate seats that are available as well as keep the white house.

Thank you for listening and May Good Bless America, Her People, and Our Troops.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


My Fellow Americans,

I want to address the FACT that SpeakerBoehner, Representative Eric Cantor, and Senate Minority Leader Mitch Mcconnell put only congressional members that signed the Grover Norquist Pledge, instead of chosing between the 535 members of the House he chose between the 238 members of the House that signed the Pledge, and Senator Mcconnell did the same thing, he had 100 senators to choose from but yet he picked only from the 43 senators that also signed the Norquist Pledge, Thus Setting  the stage for the Super Committee to Fail, in hopes that it will also take down President Obama and give them more leverage in the 2012 elections.

I want to also remind you what Senator Mitch Mcconnell said 5-7 days after the 2008 election, Before President elect Obama was sworn in, and I Quote "MY NUMBER ONE GOAL IS TO MAKE BARACK OBAMA A 1 TERM  PRESIDENT"  and he had the nerve to repeat the same thing or similar sentiments on the floor of the US Senate, "THAT THEIR GOAL WAS TO MAKE PRESIDENT OBAMA A 1 TERM PRESIDENT"

Quotes like this are a DISGRACE as well as DISRESPECTFUL not only to Presifent Obama but to the Office of the President, which should not surprise any of us, after all when you have congressional house members yelling at the President, at the State of the Union that  "You Lie" There is something very wrong with the level of DISRESPECT that the Republicans have and continue to show towards the President of the United States, It is uncalled for, Unpatriotic, Un-American, & a Disgrace.  FACT is there was a time, not so far back that even if congress or others did not like the person who was president, they at least showed RESPECT TO THE OFFICE OF THE PREIDENT that is the American Way and right thing to do, it is ok to dislike or even hate the president, But it is NOT ok to show a TOTAL & BLATANT DISRESPECT as the Rpublicans have and continue to do.

I want to also take this time to talk to you about the Desparation and Dishonesty as well as the Fear the Republicans have and their  hunger for power that they have even taken to changing Voter Registration and  Laws  as well as redistricting to make sure that it will be harder for  the american people to vote and would give them a big jump on their side. This is criminal and is smelling like 2000 when  SCOTUS interferred with the voting procedures and ended the  florida recount. They were out of line and then the nerve of after stopping the recount they APPOINTED Bush/Cheney to the highest office in our country. Then again in 2004, they organized a group of so called veterans that were corporate shills to slam and slander Senator John Kerry, with lies.
If anything the Republicans have Proven that they will do or say anything to get and maintain power

Now the Financial angle, It was President Bush that took control of Freddie/Fannie & brought them closer into the government, bought them out so to speak in 2006/07. They  are also responsible for bailing out the Banks, repealing Glass-Steigle, allowing the banks to get to the size they are now, they provided cover and still provide protection for their corporate contributors, they have also derailed regulations and want to remove them all the way, The Fact is, is that we need stronger regulations, we need to  repeal the citizens united decision, "CORPORATIONS ARE NOT PEOPLE" They are run by people which doesn't make them a person, nor entitled to individual rights, and until i see them pay both corporate and individual taxes they are not people. as well as face criminal charges for their part in the crash
I would also remind everyone that it is not all of the banks and wall streets fault, it is  also congresses fault, Because in truth they would not have been able to get away with their crimes if they did not have the protection of the  Republican Party and the Blue Dog Democrats, which they still have to this day.
Furthermore, The Republicans have blasted the president and the democrats for not passing their so called jobs bills, as well as other bills, Here's the problem EVERY BILL THE REPUBLICANS HAVE BROUGHT UP, BEGINS THE SAME WAY, "TAX CUTS FOR THE TOP 5%" would someone please tell me how that will create jobs? They have had 11 years of Tax Cuts to the so called "Job Creators" and I want to know, NO I DEMAND and we all should, WHERE ARE THE JOBS? In Fact,  they have tax cuts right now and have had them so again I ask, WHERE R THE JOBS? & WHY IS UNEMPLOYMENT STILL AT 9% Why? It is a shame that the Republicans refuse to admit that their plan is an absolute FAILURE, 11 years is long enough Bush tax cuts will expire for everyone except Small Businesses and middle class and that is a fact, We as citizens and as Americans MUST stop this criminal activity carried out by the members of congress, granted not all, just the 238 house members and 43 senate member who have decided to put their Pledge to Grover Norquist over their Oaths of Office and their Job Duties. Many people will say that signing a pledge is not illegal, well in the case of Grover Norquist's Pledge it Obstructs not only overnment operations but congressional operations as well by not allowing the house members to do their jobs of Raising revenue according to the duties listed in the Constitution. In fact it is  a Federal Offense to interfer with any type of Government Operations, and in the case of the congressional members they have Violated their Oaths to this country and to do their jobs, and should be made to chose either their jobs and their oath to the constitution? or continue to  follow their pledge to Norquist, and if they chose the later then they should face sanctions for ethics violations and/or MUST resign  Immediately or face even the chance of federal charges of Obstruction.

Now In closing once again the Republicans refused to  extend the payroll tax cut, as well as the unemployment insurance unless they get cuts to pay for it, And once again they have REFUSED TO RAISE REVENUE, REFUSED TO DO THEIR JOBS,  and Once again they will ATTEMPT TO hold the American people HOSTAGE AND USE BLACKMAIL TO GET THEIR WAY, This has to STOP. The President needs to stand  and Stay Strong against the Rep[ublicans and their constant protection of the top 5%, the ones that  can afford to pay taxes. Furthermore they continue to LIE, The Bush tax cuts will be made Permanent for Small Businesses and the Middle Class, and ONLY END FOR THE TOP 5% but the Republicans would have you believe that your taxes will be raised by the President and that is  Just ANOTHER ONE OF THEIR LIES.

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH,  Time for the Republicans to decide, THEY ARE EITHER WITH THE AMERICAN PEOPLE(99%) OR THEY ARE AGAINST THE PEOPLE? And by their continued actions to protect their corporate contributors they are willing to IGNORE what the American WANT & DEMAND

They MUST be stopped, and only we can do that by going and voting to take back the People's House,  as well as Taking all available Senate Seats, and Keep the White House, This is the only chance we have to make our country STRONG again So Please Join me, Write, Call. e-mail, your Representatives, senators, as well as the Speaker Boehner, and tell them THEY HAVE TO CHOSE OR LOSE? THEIR CHOICE

Thank you for listening and God Bless the Coun try and those that Protect her both Military, and in the Civilian Occupy Movement who is fighting for you and mine Constitutional Rights