Saturday, April 2, 2011

The March To Washington : Campaign 2016 :Part 1 of 6

My Fellow Americans,

Our Founding Fathers never intended for the United States to have career politicians tht serve more than 2 terms in any office, much less in office for 20 years. Their intention was for the average american to run for office and if they win serve their terms and then return back to their home and jobs.

It is because of the Constitution that I am contemplating a run for President in 2016, and I would like to take this opportunity to tell you about my platform, and where I see this great country heading. While my experience is not in law, nor have I served in congress, my experience as That American our founding fathers wrote about is all the basis I need. When I joined the Navy I raised my right hand and swore to protect and defend not just the constitution, but our country and her people from both foreign and domestic enemies, and even though I am disabled Desert Storm Veteran I still hold that oath as a civilian close to my heart.

I never thought I would see the day when I would have to mobilize against a Domestic Enemy, but it is happening and it is getting worse. It seems that the Republicans Tea Party wants to not only rewrite our constitution, but they have Declared War on the middle Class, Poor, Unions, Government Departments(that protect our air, skies, water,  earth along with Education and Infrastructure), And Social Programs that help millions of your fellow citizens as well as probably yourselves. We Cannot let this happen, and It must be stopped and only you can do that, and we can do it together.

For 12 years I have watched as the Republicans, Tea Party, and Democrats do nothing but mostly watched the Republicans destroy  our country and way of life by shunning the  american people  and supporting and protecting their corporate campaign  piggie banks. I have watched as the top 2-5% of our citizens have gotten richer and everyone else has gotten poorer, while they get tax cuts and tax cuts and benefits as they continue to send American manufacturing and jobs overses,  While they refuse to pay livable wages, provide health and other insurances, as they refuse equal pay for men and women, and as they rebuild other countries and give their own country the middle finger. And Why do they do this? First off they do not like to pay a decent wage because that along with other benefits cuts into their profits, Secondly, They do not want to pay for experienced and educated employees nor do they want to pay for better supplies for their products, Instead, They want to protect their Profits so they send everything overseas where they do not have to follow any laws on pay, benefits, safety, and they can get cheap supplies. Where they do not have to follow Regulations to provide safe work and products, it is clear because they are always complaining. Third, They avoid paying taxes, they avoid paying their fair share, The sad Fact is that they do not Care about this country,  their fellow americans nor their families, they want their cake and eat it to, Well, that is gonna stop here and now, and i will go into further details in the Tax Part of this Statement.

I have also watched as the Republicans and Democrats, but mostly Republicans have consistantly lied, have used fear tactics to scare voters, so they will vote them back into office where they can continue doing nothing, where they can continue to cause heartache on the backs of the middle class, And What I have said was proven in the November 2010 elections, When the Republican Tea Party promised to work on jobs, jobs, jobs, economy and deficit, They were so determined that that was their campaign promise they even refused to discuss, much less debate any type of Social Issues or Programs, But as I knew they would, Their Hypocracies would show itself and their true plan for the country would be revealed, and it was, As proven by the riders added into the budget, Instead  of  adding a jobs bill, or other economy growing bills, or increases in revenue, They Declared War on the Middle Class, They are defunding many Social Programs that help millions of your fellow americans as well as yourselves, which is not good in these tough  times with all the unemployment and deficits, Not only that, but they have lied outright to you, Jobs and Economy is number 1 they said well,  The first thing they did was to try and repeal the healthcare, but they did not provide a replacement they promised to do, Defunding the EPA, NPR, Planned Parenthood, NOAA, Hurricane Warning Programs, Earthquake Warning programs, as well as Tsunami Warning Systems and the United Way? They seem to think this will reduce the deficit. Which by the way the Republicans still REFUSE to acknowledge or accept the fact that are personally RESPONSIBLE for the bulk of our deficit, As Well As the bulk of  Unemployed Americans. They have not only showed their immaturity but they have shown that they do not care about this country or its people. They wrap themselves in the flag and the Constitution all the while stabbing the american people in the back and showing what hypocrits they are,  and do not think the Democrats are getting off too easy, They are being Cowards for not standing up to the Republicans as well as to the corporations they are also protecting, and are putting profits over the needs of the american people. I will address that further in Part 3 and 4 as well.

The Fact is  this, We  need a Toughness that neither party has provided. We need Action not bickering and games, In the following statements I will list my ideas and the actions I would take if I was elected. And the First and Most Important Pledge I give to You, Is to NOT take any Corporate Money, To truly run this campaign of the people, by the people and for the people. This will be a true grassroots campaign, Unlike the Tea Party who is supported and funded by the Koch Brothers, Armey Fletcher, and Karl Rove as well as the Republicans and democrats and their Foreign  funds made through American companies. I swear my Oath to run a clean and Honest campaign.

So, Let the Battle Begin

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